Codeify Personally Blogger Template
Codeify Personally Blogger Template
Codeify is a personally responsive blogger template. Codeify Blogger Template is beautifully crafted and is a user friendly Blogger template. And for those of you who are freelancers, I would like to say to you, brother, if you create your own website on Blogger, it will not cost you any money and your work will go well. When a client comes to you, you will tell them! Sir, you can go to our website and see how our work is! That way you will have a better impression and a better chance of getting a job. I think every freelancer should have a website that has its own benefits. I will now write about the features that are in the Codeify Blogger template. You should read them carefully and examine them.
Features: 100% Responsive Design, Template Speed, Multi-Level/DropDown Menu, Auto Mobile Menu, Author Info on Header, With Social Icons, Custom Featured Post, Custom Popular Posts, Custom Follow by Email, Social Icons on Footer, Footer Menu, Advertisement Area, Post Share Buttons, Auto Author Box, New Blogger Comment Form Style, Google Plus, Disqus and Facebook Comments, Templateify Post Shortcodes, Auto Translate, Fast Loaded, SEO Optimized, Use For Customers, Web Documentation, Video Documentation.
If you purchase the premium version, these features are included: Remove Footer Credits, For Unlimited Domains, 6 Months of Premium Support, Remove Encrypted Scripts, Lifetime Template Updates . If you would like to purchase, visit the author's site.